Monday, January 7, 2013

The Holidays

Lots has happened since I last wrote. I've passed my Texas teacher certification courses and started substitute teaching. In another week, I'll be stepping into a clinical teaching (aka: student teaching) position. Hopefully by the end of it all, I'll be certified and a job will be waiting.

My parents are in town. It's been nice hanging out after 10 years of not really being in each others lives. I know that many would find it stifling but I think spending time with family is great even though of course, habits and lifestyles are different.

One of the thoughts pressing on my mind lately is the idea of "tolerance". I know I'm not the first person to think through this or to be confronted with it. The issue of tolerance in my life revolves around the issue of homosexuality. I am a Christian and the Scriptures make it clear that homosexuality is sin and a homosexual lifestyle is a sinful lifestyle.

But in modern times, calling it that is taboo. Disagreeing with homosexuality has been dubbed as bigoted and on par with being a racist.  That comparison is intolerable. "Tolerance" has been reduced to mean "agree with the status quo". No longer is debating in the public square an option . . . debate is not wanted; it's either conform or get out.

So, how should a Christian live in this increasingly polarized, yet pluralistic society? The early Church lived in similar times. It is interesting how history tends to repeat itself. It's not like the modern era is the first to have homosexuality or other forms of debauchery deemed by society as "ok". And the tendency towards syncretism in a pluralistic society was met head on in Paul's letters in the New Testament.

So, the question becomes, how shall I then live? 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey bud, glad to see you're back to the blog! Gad you've got your Texas credentials. It sucks that you have to jump through such hoops after having been a teaching professional for years. I'm glad things are moving though. About the "culture" you refer to, one thing I'm finding out is that liberals are quick to equate a disagreement with intolerance. Ironically, they can not "tolerate" a simple disagreement they equate with intolerance.