Wednesday, January 9, 2013


My parents have left. Life is going back to normal. I don't know what that's supposed to mean. We will miss them but at the same time, it's kind of nice that the holidays are officially over. Now I need to refocus and regroup and establish the direction we need to go as a family for 2013. I know that I can't know the future but having a plan that is built for flexibility is always a good idea.

One thing that I got from my dad this time he was here was the idea of "making war" against my children's peers in order to make our family life more attractive and thus working to overt pain and devastation that can be caused by listening to well meaning but often very wrong friends. I am going to "declare this war" starting now. I will pay what ever price I must to keep our family strong and God at the center of it. I don't want to be overbearing but at the same time, I've got to be strong. Vigilance is key. The price for this will be time . . . time spent with the kids, time instructing the kids and time planning how to impact them.

One of the challenges being back in the US is all the temptations that surround my family. Well, the junk that is in the US is quickly making its way to Asia. There is no longer an option to run. Now, I must stand. Now is the time to make a stand for my kids and their futures. Now is the time to fight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It will be hard for them to understand at times. But just keep leading by example and showing them how much you love them. Always remember, you are not responsible for the way other people raise their kids.