Sunday, July 8, 2012

Starting Fresh

It's been 5 years since I've posted anything on this blog. This is primarily because Blogger was blocked in China. Well, I'm back in the US. It's time to log this journey--the journey of life. I am excited to do this even if no one but myself ever reads it. I just want a place where I can share my thoughts, struggles and . . . well, life. I'll probably post once a week. It will usually be on Sunday's.


Unknown said...

Awesome background, Bud! As we speak I've been watching my special editions of each LOTR. I never get tired of it! The Helm's Deep battle is the best!

Unknown said...

Awesome background, Bud! As we speak I've been watching my special editions of each LOTR. I never get tired of it! The Helm's Deep battle is the best!

Living the Journey said...

Thanks Jason. The cool thing about the background is that I made it myself using a 3D animation program. I guess this means you're following me?